Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lawson Conry

Brandon and I rang in the New Year with quite the party!  
Somehow we even missed watching the ball drop!  
And our celebration came about two hours after the ball dropped with the birth of Lawson Conry.

Lawson Conry Fischer
Born at 2:26am on January 1, 2012
7lbs 2oz and 19 1/4 inches 

We are in LOVE!

*And a little tidbit about his name.....
We liked Lawson before we found out Lillia was a girl.  It's a name I heard when I was student teaching.  A little boy in my class had a brand new baby brother, Lawson.  So I tucked that name away in my head and forgot all about it until one day when Brandon was watching ESPN and there was a basketball player whose last name was Lawson.  Then it clicked....that was the name I really liked, but couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried!
So, when we found out this time we were having a boy....we almost didn't even need to discuss names!  We both still loved the name the question was what to put as a middle name.
Conrey is a family name on the Fischer side.  Brandon really liked it as a middle name, but wanted to put our own little twist on it, so we changed the spelling to Conry.
And there you have it....Lawson Conry.